I have begun a gradual migration to the GAB.com platform (@phaelosopher), posting occasionally. I joined the platform last year (2020) as the censorship efforts by major social media platforms (Facebook, Twitter, etc.) escalated in their efforts to control the COVID-19 “narrative”.

While it wasn’t apparent at first, those efforts had begun earlier for me, when YouTube/Google inexplicably deleted my video channel in July 2019 without the usual “complaint and appeal” protocols. I did manage to create a new channel, but I have not been inspired to repopulate it with content, old or new, knowing that it would be “judged” for its political correctness, and therefore, subject to potential removal. I have since posted on other video platforms, though with no regularity so far.
Gab.com has been a safe haven for discordant notes to the Narrative. Its founder, Andrew Torba, has paid a big price. The platform lost its merchant accounts, being limited to accepting checks, e-checks, and bitcoin payments to continue operations and growth, as well as slanderous treatment in mainstream media, particularly around the 2020 presidential election.

Now that the dust has temporarily settled, and the “Executive Ordership” masquerading as a representative government in place, the platform functions amid a state of unsteady social chaos.
‘Swords’ and ‘Armor’
With that being said, I came across this post on Gab in which the writer (@AllenWest) indicated that we must “don the full armor of God. And carry the Sword of the Spirit.”
In everyday terms, what does that statement actually mean? How can it be translated from rhetoric to actions that make a difference?

I can’t speak to the “Sword of the Spirit” part, though the image itself speaks volumes, but let me offer the following suggestion about what The Full Armor of God might be that, after some thought, makes perfect sense. The Full Armor of God is the Human Biofield.

I am presently reading Electric Body, Electric Health by Elaine Day McKusick, who also wrote Tuning the Human Biofield.

The human biofield is a subject unto itself. Every individual has one, and anyone who suffers from any form of ailment has “disturbances” of one form or another in their biofield. Said disturbances cause a degradation within the field, which distorts and changes the informational settings that the field contains.
We think of said distortions as the consequence or result of “aging”, whereas, in truth, they are the cumulative consequence and result erroneous and felonious ways/habits of thinking and behaving for the past 2,000-plus years.
As such, I believe that the biofield is the Full Armor of God. Its ability to create a perfect functioning and expressing form through which we experience this realm is inviolate, yet it is subject to the reflecting the consequences of our thinking.

We’re living in, tolerating and perpetuating a social structure that amounts to a deep ocean of toxic and festering lies. It’s only antidote, solution, and elixir, is Truth.
What is a “lie?” At their core, lies are incomplete, illogical, or dis-contiguous “chunks”, or entire systems of thought. Being incomplete or incorrect, they are neither self-sustaining, self-replicating, self-regenerating, nor self-repairing.
Orthodox medicine today, is an entire system of erroneous thinking about biological factors, treatment and its treatment. Its supporters have bought and bullied their way into the consciousness of educational institutions, politicians, and clerics around the world, but their science is still riddled with misconceptions that have shortened many lives before their benefit.
The human species, which is on historical record of having lifespans of 900 years or more, has institutionalized certain habits of thinking and behaving that has resulted in the steady and progressive decline in the longevity and quality of Life as it is perceived.

Immortal by nature, while appearing to be “time delimited,” the spiritual beings who think of Earth as “home” have created an experience continuum that perfectly mirrors and outpictures their individual and collective, personal and cumulative thoughts about who and what they are, what their nature is, what is Life, what is God and where they “fit” in the Grand Picture.
These thoughts are passed from Being to Being,, plane to plane, realm to realm, and lifetime to lifetime, until such time that each sheds the thoughts and behaviors that have bound them to what amounts to a state of blindness that they do not see.
It is the simple honoring of Life at all levels, seeing the Oneness that connects One to ALL Others, and forgiving tresspasses, while also forgiving those who have tresspassed against us. Getting “justice” or forgiveness from them is not your concern. Freeing yourself from the bondage of erroneous thinking is your mission.
Why? Because as you seek, recognize, discover, and embrace and nourish yourself with Truth, you will remove distortions that mankind has unwittingly blinded itself with for millenia. They exist, and are carried within your biofield.
The images below are examples of erroneous thinking. We are accustomed to thinking that the physical universe is the only reality, and question what we can’t see, or delegate it to conjecture or religions, who then place their own distortions in by which to polarize their “followers”.

We’ve grown accustomed to thinking that the image above represents “all there is”.
The image below more accurately reflects the nature of Life, and the Universe, encompassing the “seen” and “unseen”, the connection between the two, even the inter-dependency that each has for the other.

I’m not suggesting that embracing this Truth example alone is going to remove distortions from your biofield. However, other Truths that you learn and corroborate will engender a feeling of amazement with “the vessel” that you were given, or gave yourself in which to have your earthly experience (i.e., your physical body), and appalled with the way you treated it, and allowed certain “professionals” to treat it.
Truth? Yes, Truth!
Restored by Truth. Not esoteric, deep or profound, but simple, fundamental, verifiable, universally accessible and applicable Truth.
Neither Dr. Anthony Fauci, Bill Gates and his foundation, nor any government official, agency or “scientist” have exclusive hold, ownership, franchise, nor domain over Truth. The FDA doesn’t have it, nor does CNN, the CDC, WHO, or AMA. Truth is accessible and available to everyone, and applies to everyone and everything, and is accessible to all who seek to possess, understand, respect, and to live by it.
If you’re fretting over a virus, there are some Truths that you need to search for and know about your Inner Constitution.
Ethics cannot exist where Truth is not present, known, and applied.
We tend to assume that these people and their organizations live by the principles stated above, but that wouldn’t be true. They may even think that they are doing so, but even their data, paid for at great cost and derived from Artificial Intelligence ~ not True or Real Intelligence that is accessible and applicable to everyone ~ has shown itself to be highly questionable and political.
We live in a veritable ocean of thought and opinions where mis-information, artificial intelligence, and outright lies are often the rule, not exceptions.
Truth has become so alien and socially unacceptable that few are demanding it… not in medicine, government, education, science or religion. Do you remember the liberties that were taken to “pack” and “craft” the story of COVID-19? Hospitals and doctors were given professional and financial incentives (bonuses) to mark cases and deaths as COVID-19.
In fact, lies have become so commonplace today, they are often defended as necessary, even by their victims. Most defenders of today’s tyranny believe they are “in the know” and helping the “less knowledgeable”.

They are totally unaware of the house of cards that their “truths” are built on. What they have is “doctored up” information, fully compounded and confounding, the best that time and money can buy.
What the proponents and victims of lies don’t know, is that there are is a loss, even among those who think they are among the “winners”.
A Power Unacknowledged; a Society in Decline
One can seek God until the cows come home, but if they do not seek, vet, and make Truth their standard, they will be like Achilles’s heel; missing a vital protective factor. Knowing truth and living by it, turns on’s direction from outside influences which we are most accustomed to “following”, to an Inner One.
Money isn’t required to know Truth. It will give to all who seek it sincerely. Once gained, it continues to reveal itself… without end.
If you’re not seeking, finding, and then living by Truth, God can’t help you, as you’re not helping yourself.
People say “In God, We Trust,” but we should place our Trust in Truth. It is a silent voice that we will “hear” from the inside. Otherwise we are easy marks for any profiteer that comes along.

Millions of people are listening to profiteers who advise giving up our liberties and health for reasons that, it can be conclusively shown, are NOT biologically sound. Their “remedies” actually cause effects that would be reason enough to seek medical treatment on its own.
The reasons that they tell us we should make these sacrifices are not biologically sound. The medical *thinking* behind the initiatives that have resulted in “mandates”, mask politics, germ-obsession, and isolation, is *not* biologically sound.
The American Public has been coerced and urged by politicians, actors, comedians, educators, clerics, and investors to bow to “authorities” who have perpetuated and expanded these practices, deaf, dumb, and blind to the increase in disease because they had their eye on personal, professional, or political gain.
This continuum of *thinking* has evolved practices and consequences that have contributed to the health and environmental crisis that all of humanity faces, have created and become accustomed to, while remaining oblivious to its causal role, and more importantly, the very real and available solutions.
The Path of Truth is the only way Home. It points to knowledge that restores the biological, psychological, and spiritual Armor of God.
It restores natural “protections” that you didn’t know you had and clears of distortions in how we process the information that we act on. It’s a Big Deal.
If this article isn’t enough, I talked more about it on this video, uploaded on Rumble.com, and Cinnamon.video, not YouTube.
I have many excerpts from Elaine Day McKusick’s books, and others that represent truths that will change your worldview.
Stay tuned!